Finishing three.... 15 things.
1. Bunk Housin it on Lake Viola
2. Devouring Coronas and Duffy Burgers
3. Scouring the Twin Cities for the premier photo opp
4. Hot Tea
5. $50 room service cereal and movies on demand
6. Waffles, Bananas and Pecans, anything coffee shop
7. Brewmaseter Matt
8. Two Kayaks, one set of skills, fast city rapids = broken paddle
9. Which one is the loud one... the ugly one
10. Mississippi River
11. Coffee shop stops + farmer's market visits
12. Rhyme out
13. Door knockers
14. One amazing visit to the zoo... where's the giraffes?
15. Obama
Starting Four....
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Livin the High Life on 55 Wall Street
Man it already seems like eons ago. The first weekend in December the Safar sisters and I travelled to NYC for a quick weekend getaway trip. We met up with Monica vising from London-town. For G it was her first time witnessing the city of concrete. On a side note, where did big apple come from, it does not seem appropriate it all, especially considering there are no trees unless you count the everlasting evergreens that are few and far between and spring up in unusual and random patches dirt throughout the city. I digress, anyways we saw the usual sites... radio city music hall, the subway, ground zero, statue of liberty from afar, times square, Rockefeller center complete with famous Christmas tree and ice rink and perhaps my favorite of all... Grand Central Station. I don't know what it is about that place but I could have stayed there for hours. It is a pretty beautiful place and during the holiday season they put on a holiday themed light show set to music on the hour, every hour. Totally cheesy but well worth the trip. Beyond that the city was much different than what I saw in the spring, too many coats all that wonderful fashion covered up. Although apparently everyone in NYC knows that if you don't have any boats, ya don't have any style. And I think I did hear fringed boots and cardigans are making a come back?!?

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Hobby Haven
It occurred to me during my last graduate class that I did not have many hobbies. Certainly, not enough to keep me busy... especially when you consider the outrageous amounts of free time was about to experience in just a matter of a few short hours. What was I going to do? Travelling, shopping and drinking (wine or coffee, you pick) can only keep you busy for so long. And then one day the mail arrived and with it the answer to my newly found free time... community ed classes. It's amazing what you can do in community ed.... manufacture your own homemade organic lip balm, whip up killer Chinese potstickers, enter the classroom again but this time as a photography student, you can even learn to belly dance if you so desire. While I was thumbing through the possibilities it also occurred to me that I was not the only one without a hobby, certainly Matt needed one and what did Ali and Alicia do with all their free time? The answer.... all of the above, although substitute wood shop for belly dancing. (I have not gotten that bored yet). And so for a couple of Monday nights, Ali, Alicia and I will make fantastic lip balm and potsticker creations, on Tuesdays I fly solo to photography class while Matt does custom cabinetry. Community Ed has produced some pretty good results. For example, we (aka Matt with some prompting) have finally completed our basement. I can barely wait to see what the winter semester catalog has in store for us. ;)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Be heard, be seen, be proud, be a part of it, be American... get out and ROCK the VOTE! I am so excited I could pee my pants!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Political Addiction

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I heart Chi-Town!
Absolutely, hands down one of my favorite cities. I finally realize that the reason I did not love NYC was because my heart belongs to Chi-town. Well that and the trip was courtesy of Ameriprise. It was an awesome trip. We were wined and dined and treated to outrageous parties every night. Everything from renting out the Field Museum to House of Blues to WigFest at the Navy Pier - it was obscene! First day was spent with a celebratory spa day at the Four Seasons - very fance, courtesy of Matt and obtainment of an MBA degree. Second day started with breakfast ala room service with the curtains drawn and Movies on Demand. The rest of the time we explored the city via boat, foot and bike. Millineum Park brings you back to being five all over again! I would move to the Windy City in a heartbeat.
Wow, before you know it summer's over!
Summer was BUSY! Cabins and babysitting, weekend trips to Chicago, the zoo, bunk house building, wine making, even the RNC and school's out for the summer.... school's out FOREVER! It's nice to finally have a life again. The craziness started out at with our nieces and nephew at the cabin, so much for a vacation, 3 kids under 6 can keep you pretty busy.
From there is is on to Hilary & Sug's 1% cabin weekend. Lucky for us we were their first guest. Their lake is absolutely beautiful, we had a good time minus the insane wind storms.
Next on the agenda... babysitting. Love the kids but there is a reason why childern should never out number adults, it is physically and mentally exhausting. We attempted the zoo... Caleb was an angel, Alivia on the other hand simply sucked... she was not about to ride in a stroller all day and for that matter not in Matt's arms either, only mine, all 25 pounds of her and as for Amber all she wanted to see was the giraffes and do you think the Minnesota Zoo has giraffes? Of course not! Lovely day at the zoo.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Ridin the Rapids and Stimulating the Economy
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Obama Rama 2008!
We tried, full heartedly we tried... Obama accepted the Democratic nomination tonight in St. Paul at the X. G, Davio and myself joined the masses attempting to gain access to the event. Blocks and blocks of people lined the streets, 5-6 people deep, I can't even count the blocks. It is the most people i have ever seen waiting in line in my life. All waiting for one single, solidtary man well that and change and hope and a new America. Unfortunately, we did not make it into the Xcel, only 20,000 lucky people did. We listened to Obama's speech on the radio on the drive home, Dave with goosebumps, G with a few tears and myself with a lot of woo-hoo's. It is time for change and one of the few times in my life I can say I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN - now get to it Barack! Barack the vote! Obama for your Mama! Barack my World! Obama Rama coming at ya!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Big Graduate = Big Apple
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Puerto Rico - Old San Juan the great door hunt...
From Rincon to Vieques, from Vieques to Old San Juan. After meeting Jesus there is not much else you can do but relax! So the rest of the trip was spent in Old San Juan on the main island. The Spanish fort city is absolutely beautiful and where Matt and I found our shared love of doors and doorknockers. Yeah true geeks I know. But you can't help but love the city's winding streets and colorful doors and loads of character. We are pro-photographers in training afterall and we have the 100+ door pictures to prove it ;) We enjoyed the city so much that we went back twice until the cruise-shippers invaded. The views from the fort look out over the ocean and are breathtaking. It was also a great day for flying kites and the fields around the old fort were filled with children flying kites, very nostalgic. The rest of the time we did nothing but hang by the pool, play cards, consume as many mojitios as possible and catch up on cable tv while Matt gambled. My love for cable tv was fulfilled with my latest addiction real life housewives - for real could it get any better? It was the prefect ending to an awesome trip. Ah... can't forget the tourists, I don't know if anyone else has noticed how photo-obsessed Asian tourists are....dinner on a terrace across from a table of 6 early twenty-somethings.... it started with flash and then anther and another followed by five more then a lull.... then the drinks came out another 10 flashes... then pictures of each other.. pictures of themselves... wait the apps are out... another 10 flashes.... we made a bet, end of our entree half way through theirs, He bet 20 I went with 50 more the time we finished dessert and coffee they were well over 50 flashes..... it was hilarious at one point we were both crying with laughter. You've got to catch the scene in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and you'll know exactly what I mean.... Cheap entertainment, right? Adios San Juan. Adios Puerto Rico. From Vieques to Old San Juan...From Old San Juan to Minneapolis....
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Us...Five! Five-a-Live!
Seriously. five. it's a big number. Okay. this year, there's no tellin', well maybe some tellin' since it's already May... Here's what I do know and the rest well it's all a big ole' question mark. Year five will inevitably bring change, career change! yay! attitude change! yay! I've been waiting. it's finally here. now Raybill... Matt scored our first investment property. and a tv show to boot (note: tv show used generously). watch for it peeps. It's going to be huge ;)
Us... cuatro ano
I really have no idea where this year will lead us. All starts with our biggest vacation yet... Thailand. And then from there who knows? We have (or should I say I have) been searching for a project maybe landlords, maybe a new fantastic job, maybe entrepuer, maybe a new house. Crystal ball anyone?
Us... On to year three.
Most exciting thing in our life... No more school! No more school! Well at least for me. Matt may think differently, like I told him vacation is on for me, over for him ;) Not quite sure how I will fill my time yet, we all know I don't do relaxation well, and the first two weeks have been interesting, a visit to NYC, re-sodding the lawn for the second time, planting the garden, a craiglist's garage sale, etc.
Us... Year 2
- T and Tasty
- Year 2 of marriage. As Matt would say this is the year of being "young professionals"... Matt went independent in August and we are trying to figure out how to adjust to "tax-free" checks. It makes me a little nervous but Matt, the ever adivsor, says it is just fine. I just started my new job at ConAgra Foods, quite a change from industrial automation. Oh and there's school... never ending school. Someday, I will be done, right? With the house projects near completion, Matt traded smoking for a new boat. (I think he cheats by having a beer just to justify a smoke, but I secretly cannot bring myself to sell the boat - Sonny likes it too much) And then there is Sonny, 100 pounds and spoiled. He continues to rule the house.