2 years ago we were getting married on the beaches of Cabo and jammin with Sammy Hagar at the bar..... and now we've wrapped up year two and are moving on to year three in cold-ass Minnesota. Cabo sounds so good right now. Year 2 has brought a lot... an end to house projects, 3 trips - Panama, Vegas and Boston, the half-way point of my MBA, a boat, a new found love of Rock Band, first-time godmother, job changes, attempts at not smoking, self employment, a new fun car to drive but not so fun to pay for the stolen key, good intentions to work out, discovery of bao and the best ginger ale, Matt's addiction to gum ball machines.... Most of all it's brought a lot of laughs and fun and happiness. It's gone by so quickly, if only you could stop and watch your life for a moment and take it all in before it becomes a distant memory.....
Year 1 was paper which brought tickets to Panama, Year 2 is cotton which naturally brought cotton stuffed roses :)
I think G said it best Anniversaries usually help us to remember why we married those men ;)