Saturday, April 4, 2009

In transit, observations - Day 3 (Bangkok + Chiang Mai)

Another early morning. another quick breakfast. we walk the city. Sukhumvit Road in morning rush hour to be exact, Holy shit. talk about culture shock. what is with the food? everywhere? we need coffee. where is coffee? wait. do you see what those people are drinking. looks good, we must find. how the heck do we order. street vendors have no idea what we are saying. finally, chilled street coffee. 2 for 30 baht, literally just shy of $1. this is awesome. this is delicious.

more wandering. our senses are on overload. noisy, crazy mess of people. traffic is ridiculous. need a ride?... taxi, metered taxi, tuk-tuk, motorbike taxi, sky train. smog is killing us. hot and sweaty. what's that? yes pool you are calling our names. Quick dip. Grab coca-cola and beer and jet off for the jungle.
Chiang Mai. Resort is swank. no agenda. Matt lost his brain, we take a songtaew ride with no idea where to go or where it was going. another temple. another Buddha. not near as impressive as what we saw yesterday. that tree it's like the one in Panama, beautiful yellow flowered tree. Matt, where are we going? tired of temples. difficult day. wandering. hot. hungry. crabby. finally lunch... thai noodles please. we need a break. from what? from culture shock? from each other? back at hotel. peace.

it's evening, moods are much better. to the night bazaar. loads and loads of crap, some good, some weird, some just crap. you want to buy it, anything and everything, you name it. They say a picture is worth a thousands words, no, being here is worth a thousand words. can't get a picture to capture it quite right. Artist nook. we find the tile-man artist. beautiful paintings that we stare at forever. finally a purchase. no paintings but we get the tiles. every where we look we see ugly white men with beautiful Asian women. more overwhelming, but the good kind of overwhelming. we order gigantic beers x 2 + spicy ramen noodles. back to hotel via tuk-tuk. I feel fucked up, do you feel fucked up? first encounter with Chiang beer...

Us...Five! Five-a-Live!

Seriously. five. it's a big number. Okay. this year, there's no tellin', well maybe some tellin' since it's already May... Here's what I do know and the rest well it's all a big ole' question mark. Year five will inevitably bring change, career change! yay! attitude change! yay! I've been waiting. it's finally here. now Raybill... Matt scored our first investment property. and a tv show to boot (note: tv show used generously). watch for it peeps. It's going to be huge ;)

Us... cuatro ano

I really have no idea where this year will lead us. All starts with our biggest vacation yet... Thailand. And then from there who knows? We have (or should I say I have) been searching for a project maybe landlords, maybe a new fantastic job, maybe entrepuer, maybe a new house. Crystal ball anyone?

Us... On to year three.

Most exciting thing in our life... No more school! No more school! Well at least for me. Matt may think differently, like I told him vacation is on for me, over for him ;) Not quite sure how I will fill my time yet, we all know I don't do relaxation well, and the first two weeks have been interesting, a visit to NYC, re-sodding the lawn for the second time, planting the garden, a craiglist's garage sale, etc.

Us... Year 2

Year 2 of marriage. As Matt would say this is the year of being "young professionals"... Matt went independent in August and we are trying to figure out how to adjust to "tax-free" checks. It makes me a little nervous but Matt, the ever adivsor, says it is just fine. I just started my new job at ConAgra Foods, quite a change from industrial automation. Oh and there's school... never ending school. Someday, I will be done, right? With the house projects near completion, Matt traded smoking for a new boat. (I think he cheats by having a beer just to justify a smoke, but I secretly cannot bring myself to sell the boat - Sonny likes it too much) And then there is Sonny, 100 pounds and spoiled. He continues to rule the house.