Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sawatdee Chiang Mai - Day 6 (Back to Bangkok)

we jet out of chiang mai on a early flight to bangkok. excited. what's next? what other beautiful things will we see?

oh but the "hired" drivers at the airport.. they can drive you crazy. we fanaggle with one. try to walk away but they already have our stuff and are starting to load in the car. what? you are too expensive we don't want a ride from you. okay fine. but, only if you take the highway. Matt this does not look like the highway... we are not stupid tourist (well not today). finally our hotel. the hotel of my choice, I am super excited about it. our room, enter. oh this is not at all what I expected. oh no. we can't stay here. Damn Conde Neste, this is no 2007 best hotel, this is crap.

Please don't let this be a continuation of last night and another day not in our cards. back to the admirial with the rooftop pool. no charge at the original hotel. this is a turn for the better. we are starving and instead of the pool this time, it is our friend, Chiang beer, calling our names.
we are full. we are happy. I feel funny, do you feel funny? we are fucked up. we heart Chiang beer. Spa time? Yep. I get a one hour hot oil massage. hot, not really. but good, yes. and a one hour facial. trust me we are at an actual spa, not a "massage palour." But still, it's a little weird. Matt gets a 2 hour traditional thai massage. weird. good. maybe sore. tired. Maybe weird because "Michelle" was his masseuse?!? did I mention there are a lot of lady-boys in thailand? Okay "Michelle" was not his masseuse but it could have been pretty damn funny.
Back to the hotel. Smoothies & internet. the pool, ahh the pool. breeze is lovely. sun is lovely. did I see that it was -7 degrees at home?!? ahh the pool.
Pizza for dinner. real italian pizza, I mean real italian pizza. it is awesome. time to wander. we venture from Asok to NaNa, along sumkuhvit road. Stall after stall of merchandise aka crap. shoes. jewelry. watches. bags. luggage. pornos. food. etc. etc. we see every culture. middle eastern. african. asian. european. we smell every smell. we see some of the strangest food. and burkas, real burkas. I've never seen real burkas before. middle eastern men have a staring problem. and don't forget the elephant, just wandering down the middle of the street. cultural overload. i feel high, again. did I mention we think Chiang beer is laced with opium?
It's late. more white men with asian women. hookers and drag queens everywhere. remember that neon street? this is it. Cowboy Soi. Oh my god. neon lights. sex for sale. street is packed. how many perverts are there? Matt doesn't think they are all for sale... really? trust me they are all for sale. close your mouth, terrin. don't look too shocked. damn I wish my memory card in the camera wasn't full. slightly distrubing. this is too much. It's time to go to bed.

Us...Five! Five-a-Live!

Seriously. five. it's a big number. Okay. this year, there's no tellin', well maybe some tellin' since it's already May... Here's what I do know and the rest well it's all a big ole' question mark. Year five will inevitably bring change, career change! yay! attitude change! yay! I've been waiting. it's finally here. now Raybill... Matt scored our first investment property. and a tv show to boot (note: tv show used generously). watch for it peeps. It's going to be huge ;)

Us... cuatro ano

I really have no idea where this year will lead us. All starts with our biggest vacation yet... Thailand. And then from there who knows? We have (or should I say I have) been searching for a project maybe landlords, maybe a new fantastic job, maybe entrepuer, maybe a new house. Crystal ball anyone?

Us... On to year three.

Most exciting thing in our life... No more school! No more school! Well at least for me. Matt may think differently, like I told him vacation is on for me, over for him ;) Not quite sure how I will fill my time yet, we all know I don't do relaxation well, and the first two weeks have been interesting, a visit to NYC, re-sodding the lawn for the second time, planting the garden, a craiglist's garage sale, etc.

Us... Year 2

Year 2 of marriage. As Matt would say this is the year of being "young professionals"... Matt went independent in August and we are trying to figure out how to adjust to "tax-free" checks. It makes me a little nervous but Matt, the ever adivsor, says it is just fine. I just started my new job at ConAgra Foods, quite a change from industrial automation. Oh and there's school... never ending school. Someday, I will be done, right? With the house projects near completion, Matt traded smoking for a new boat. (I think he cheats by having a beer just to justify a smoke, but I secretly cannot bring myself to sell the boat - Sonny likes it too much) And then there is Sonny, 100 pounds and spoiled. He continues to rule the house.